Poravnanje vrijednosti za nulte zalihe
declare @acWarehouse char (30),
@adDate datetime,
@k char (13)
declare xPoz cursor local fast_forward for
SELECT distinct m.acWarehouse, m.datum
FROM #lHE_MovePrtActStockPrt1 M JOIN tHE_SetItem M1 on M.acIdent = M1.acIdent
LEFT JOIN tHE_SetItemCateg K on M1.acClassif = K.acClassif
LEFT JOIN tHE_SetItemCateg K2 on M1.acClassif2 = K2.acClassif
LEFT JOIN THE_SetItemPriceForWrh W on W.acIdent = M.acIdent AND W.acWarehouse = M.acWarehouse
LEFT JOIN tHE_SetSubj SW on M.acWarehouse = SW.acSubject
LEFT JOIN tHE_SetSubj SS on M1.acSupplier = SS.acSubject
where m.anStockQty = 0
open xPoz
fetch from xPoz into @acWarehouse, @adDate
while @@fetch_status = 0
exec pHE_MoveCreAll '1R00', '', @acWarehouse, @adDate, 2, '', @k output
insert into tHE_MoveItem (acKey, anNo, acIdent, acName, anQty, anPrice, anPriceCurrency, anStockPrice)
SELECT @k, ROW_NUMBER ( ) over (order by m.acIdent) , M.acIdent, m1.acName, 0, m.anvalue*-1, m.anvalue*-1, m.anvalue*-1
FROM #lHE_MovePrtActStockPrt1 M JOIN tHE_SetItem M1 on M.acIdent = M1.acIdent
LEFT JOIN tHE_SetItemCateg K on M1.acClassif = K.acClassif
LEFT JOIN tHE_SetItemCateg K2 on M1.acClassif2 = K2.acClassif
LEFT JOIN THE_SetItemPriceForWrh W on W.acIdent = M.acIdent AND W.acWarehouse = M.acWarehouse
LEFT JOIN tHE_SetSubj SW on M.acWarehouse = SW.acSubject
LEFT JOIN tHE_SetSubj SS on M1.acSupplier = SS.acSubject
where m.anStockQty = 0 and m.acWarehouse = @acWarehouse and m.datum = @adDate
fetch from xPoz into @acWarehouse, @adDate
close xPoz
deallocate xPoz